Hi. Thanks for taking a moment to get to know me.

Iā€™m Jamie Roth

A spiritual human being living authentically through aligned mind, body, and spirit principles and practices for a harmonious life. 

I am also an Intuitive counselor, Energy Healer, Breathwork Facilitator and Goddess Flow instructor.

I spent the first half of my life living in and out of deep depression from ages 12-22. That time line included traumatic experiences such as being sexually abused, attempting suicide twice, bulimia disordered eating, and a diagnosis of  Bipolar disorder.  

At 22, I had a sudden epiphany after leaving my new psychiatrist's office. On my way to pick up three new powerful medications including Lithium, time briefly halted. I don't know how it happened. I only know that in that moment, I realized that I did not want to live life like this anymore with days determined by a pill schedule, constantly comparing every thought, action and emotion to phases of a diagnosis, nor constant mental and emotional instability. 

That was when I knew there had to be a different way to live, and 

I needed to seek that way.

That was the moment I awakened and focused on healing through various holistic methods that led me to explore my inner wisdom, rather than relying on Western Medicine that treats symptoms with medication only, or talk therapy alone. I uncovered and worked through layers of trauma, social norms, family dynamics, fears, and sorrow to truly discover myself.

Am I healed? Sure. More importantly though,

I am FREE and I am ME.

I have not experienced any of my earlier mental health challenges, nor have I taken prescription medication in 22 years. Being healed and whole to me means living authentically, being confident in who I am, following my values, experiencing emotions fully, and living without shame. When faced with challenges, I understand myself deeply and respond with self-compassion.

I'm always evolving, learning from relationships and experiences. Having a relationship with my partner and raising children shows me new sides of myself. Friends and world events also contribute to my growth.

And I continually choose to keep learning and growing for myself and my clients.

My objective is to guide individuals in aligning their mind, body, and spirit to become their true, whole selves.
This version of yourself allows you to wake up each morning feeling self-assured, embracing your identity without any sense of guilt or the need to apologize. It's about being comfortable in your own skin, free from fear and unease. This state of being is not about constant anxiety and overwhelm but about having the confidence to be authentic because you have faith in yourself.

My methods are many and a session can include any of them such as: Intuitive Counseling, Energy Healing, Breathwork, Movement, Meditation, discussing spiritual topics; as well as education on topics from anatomy, nervous system, trauma, nueroplasticity, energy, crystals, intuition and so much. Each session is unique and based on your specific needs. This is not traditional counselng, it is so much more! I also offer many workshops, events and community gatherings because healing happens in community.

My offerings are meant to connect you to all aspects of the human experience: Body-Mind-Spirit. You cannot truly heal without working on all three aspects. Wholeness is the connection and compassion to all parts of yourself.

And through my personal journey of healing, I discovered the healer within me who not only had the ability, but also the calling to assist others on their own paths to healing. It all began 22 years ago as a massage therapist and Reiki practitioner, which later transformed into a 17-year career as an Intuitive Counselor. Recently, I have delved more deeply into trauma awareness, and the nervous system's role in holistic well-being, and have also become a Breathwork Facilitator, along with a Goddess Flow Instructor. Throughout the years, I authored a book, hosted an international radio show, organized a Body-Mind-Spirit expo, and built a client base worldwide. I consider myself fortunate to have connected with people from various backgrounds and to have explored the vast diversity of the human experience.

Consider me your ally, your source of encouragement, a comforting presence as you navigate through your sorrow, joy and growth.